Using an evidence-based approach tailored to the individual. We provide a person-centered, empathetic, ethical, and high standard of care that we believe people living with a disability deserve. Our primary objective is positive outcomes to improve the lives of our participants.
"We offer more than great caregivers. We use a biopsychosocial, and person-centered approach, combined with the medical model of care to understand the needs of our participants"
Our staff are both qualified and understand the NDIS practice standards and the rights of persons with a disability. We are specialists in our field and take a hands-on approach to providing direct care. Because we are a small family-owned business, where are able to provide a higher level of personal care to our participants.
We offer a range of services including:
Registered Nursing Services
Positive Behaviour Support
Supported Independent Living (SIL)
Short Term Accommodation (STA) and Respite
Transport assistance
Social and Community Participation
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching
Everyday Living Support
Art Therapy / Classes
Adventure Therapy
Group Activities
Child Safety accommodation & respite
Andy Bading
Co Owner, Behaviour Specialist
"Passionate About Mental Health"
Andy has lived experience with mental health and is passionate
about person-centred Empathetic support - truly listening to and
understanding the person and what they are going through.
Graduating from the University of Tasmania with the intent of helping others not to suffer alone, he has been working as an NDIS registered Behaviour Support Practitioner, and Registered Behaviour Technician since 2020. Andy has worked closely with the Dept. of Corrections, Child safety, and in the disability sector, collaborating with the Office of the Senior Practitioner, Community of Practice, the Mental Health Practitioners Network, and Organisations, to provide ethical, evidence based support to a wide range of individuals.
Working with at risk children from early childhood interventions, through to aged care participants, using Trauma informed practices, Andy is experienced with mental health, ranging from Acquired Brain injury, to Schizoaffective disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Huntington's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and much more.
Andy has a thorough understanding of the NDIS, codes of conduct and ethical standards, having worked under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission framework for many years. He has a passion for the pursuit of continued professional development opportunities to ensure he is ahead of his professional field and is fully qualified to be offering the services we offer here at Engaged Support Services.
"We use a person-centered approach combined with the medical model of health care, and a biopsychosocial lens to fully understand the individual", "Once we fully understand the person behind the disability, we can tailor our approach and plans to the individual to meet their needs"
This approach helps to provide our participants with skills and opportunities to learn, which assist them in meeting their goals. We want to make a measurable difference in our participants' 'life satisfaction'.
"Some call that Quality of Life, but whatever you call it, we measure it in smiles"
Mental Health First Aid
Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program Certificate
First Aid inc' CPR, Oxygen and Defib
NDS: Understanding Abuse - Zero Tolerance
NDS: Human Rights and You
NDS: Infection Control
NDS: Manual Handling
Safe Food Handling Certificate
Differential Diagnosis using the DSM-IV
NDIS: Supporting Effective Communication Module
Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the
Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a
Behavior Plan -
RTI (Part 2): Assessment
PBS Blended Learning
Bachelor of Behaviour Science / Psychology - 2020
NDIS Registered Behaviour Support Practitioner
Registered Behaviour Technician (BACB)
Mel Bading
Co Owner, Clinical Manager / RN
"Passionate About Quality of Life"
Mel is a a qualified RN (Registered Nurse) with 22+ years of experience, who specialises in medication administration, wound care, continence, palliative care, and much more. Having spent the majority of her career specialising in midwifery, she has also maintained her registration, working for both the Launceston General Hospital and Community Nursing.
Mel has worked in supervisory roles and in surgery theatres, giving Mel a unique and broad specialisation of care and medical treatments. As our Clinical manager, Mel believes that care and nursing support go hand in hand with disability support needs. While we work with you to ensure your clinical needs are met, we also support you to live your best life without letting clinical care needs get in the way. Mel understands just how important a gentle and person-centered approach can be.
Our Clinical Care Services specialise in providing some of the following:
Continence Management
PEG/NG tube care and feeding
Wound care
Medication administration
Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal care If you have complex care needs, you will understand the challenge of finding specialist services.
and much more.
To discuss your needs please contact us today.